Rug Pull Frens 藝術家Raimochi的NFT首發藝術作品,透過藝術作品的世界觀,來記錄區塊鏈世界中的駭客文化。作品描繪一群區塊鏈世界中最可愛動物搶匪集團,由兔子、貓咪、狗、熊、老鼠、鹿 ...... 等動物組成,總共有 10,000 名成員,小心!不要被他們可愛的外表所欺騙,因為只要是錢包裡的東西,他們什麼都搶,有時也會利用各種駭客武器,去攻擊各大 DeFi 或 NFT 平台。
Rug Pull Frens is a NFT collection of the cutest robbery gang in the Metaverse consisting of 10,000 cute, yet potentially killer animals in the ethereal world. Frens includes rabbits, cats, dogs, bears, mice, and deer to name a few! Be careful, do not be fooled by their adorable appearances, they’re out to rug your entire stack. Hide that Ledger! Don’t show them that QR Code in your Metamask, keep those doors locked and DISCONNECT FROM THAT PUBLIC WIFI! They’re the best in the business and this IS YOUR CHANCE TO JOIN THEM BEFORE THEY CHARM THAT 12 WORD SEED PHRASE RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER YOU!
1992年生,生活範圍由音樂、色彩和文字組成,喜歡觀察人和社會,畫圖是興趣也是生存保護機制。這次打造一系列區塊鏈世界的角色 NFT 藝術作品 Rug Pull Frens,並透過藝術作品的世界觀,來記錄區塊鏈世界中的駭客文化。 Raimochi was born in 1992. Her life is filled with music, colors and words. She likes to observe people and society. To her, drawing is an interest and a survival protection mechanism. Started from November 2021, We and Raimochi creates the NFT project, Rug Pull Frens, which consists of several cute but deadly animal gansters in the blockchain world, to record the hacker culture in the blockchain world through the world view of the artwork.